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Grim Grinning Hosts

Nov 28, 2019

Gather around kids for the start of a Thanksgiving tradition, GGH is here with a new holiday show!


You can find all the Hosts and the podcast over on Twitter!


You can find us on Twitter at: Hunter @HanBrolo77, Kenny @IntheloopKenny, Brad @BradJost, and Travis @TravisTerell12. You can also interact and submit topics...

Nov 26, 2019

Kenny and Brad are joined by our friend Kenneth for this week's topic show!

Nov 19, 2019

Do you miss Halloween already? We do too.


This week Kenny is joined by guest Gabe from Themepark Duo  and Phil D'Erasmo to cover HHN Hollywood!

You can find all the Hosts and the podcast over on Twitter!


You can find us on Twitter at: Hunter @HanBrolo77, Kenny @IntheloopKenny, Brad @BradJost, Travis @TravisTerrell12...

Nov 5, 2019

This week Hunter, Kenny, Travis and Brad are all together to discuss our final thoughts on this year's HHN event.

 You can find us on Twitter at: Hunter @HanBrolo77, Kenny @IntheloopKenny, Travis @TravisTerrell12 and Brad @BradJost

You can also interact and submit topics to the Hosts over @GGHPodcast as well as by...