Jul 24, 2019
This week, the four hosts are joined by Chris Smith, author of the book The Walt Disney World That Never Was. Each host has picked an attraction that was planned but never built in each of the WDW parks and the topics range from an unbuilt wooden coaster in Animal Kingdom, a Disney Villains ride, Godzilla at Epcot and Alien in the Magic Kingdom.
Please go check out Chris Smith's book The Walt Disney World That Never Was on Amazon or wherever you buy your books!
You can find all the Hosts and the podcast over on Twitter!
You can find us on Twitter at: Hunter @HanBrolo77, Kenny @IntheloopKenny, Brad @BradJost, Travis @TravisTerrell12 You can also interact and submit topics to the Hosts over @GGHPodcast as well as by sending us an email over at GrimGrinningHostsPodcast@gmail.com
Check out the hosts other podcasts over at Dis-Order: Every Disney Film, the Jurassic Park Podcast and Never Offline.
Make sure to check out the other podcasts on the Real Fans podcast network which are all plugged at the very end of the show.
Special thanks to Corgi Feldman for writing and performing the GGH Theme.
Thanks for listening and we'll see you all next time!